
THE GEN LABORATORYのGENは日本語で「源」の文字を使います。みなもと・パワーという意味を持つこの字を我々の芯とし、日本語読みのまま名前としました。上辺だけでなく、物事の源まで追求をし記事にして届けるという想いが込められています。

何かを極めた人、目標に向かってひたすらに努力をする人って目がキラキラしていて素敵じゃないですか。THE GEN LABORATORYもそうなりたいです。


GEN of THE GEN LABORATORY uses the character “源” in Japanese. This character, which means Minamoto / Power, is our concept, and we named it as it is read in Japanese. The idea is to pursue not only the upper side but also the source of things and deliver it as an article.
Isn’t it nice that people who have mastered something and who are working hard toward their goals have sparkling eyes? THE GEN LABORATORY wants to be the same. LABORATORY means that it is a place for everyone. I want to be a place where I can work hard on the same platform toward my goals.